MOMENTS at the Kraine!


Very happy to announce that my play MOMENTS: A Guide to Casual Living, ft. Jin and Julie is getting a full staging! Come to the Kraine Theater (85 E. 4th Street, New York, NY) on Wednesday, October 27th at 7:30pm to catch MOMENTS and And Toto Too by Megan Quick, as part of a double-bill of new works from Paper Kraine Productions! This performance will be directed by Ariel Urim Chung (who I met at 24 Hour Plays: Nationals this summer) and stars yours truly as Jin and my longtime friend Victoria Provost as Julie!

Tickets are pay-what-you-want for both virtual and in-person, and sales will go towards a charity of the artists’ choosing. They can be bought here.


Open Source at the Tank on June 8th!


Seoul City Sue: A Prologue