
What? You thought I just did plays?

No Matter What

I edited this short film using Final Cut Pro as part of a workshop mentored by Bridey Elliot at NTI Spring ‘21.

Socially Away Logo

I am the creator and host of this self-produced podcast. In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, a group of us socially-distanced nerds have come together with a challenge: get through each film in the Studio Ghibli catalog in order of release and discuss in the context of the current pandemic. Also, compete in a trivia game of my devising for points! Available on most podcast platforms, including Apple Music and Spotify.

Chicago Maroon logo

Arts Criticism

During my four years at UChicago, I was an arts section contributor for the Chicago Maroon, where I regularly posted reviews of local and student productions and conducted interviews with theater artists. For a complete list of my articles, click here. I am also the founder of Raging Stage, a planned theater criticism site written by and for Millennial/Gen X/Gen Z theatergoers.

Soft Shell Puppets

I make videos. There are puppets in them.

You’re welcome.